Ability Handling | Ability Handling

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Driving down the costs of storage

In the recent economic climate it is imperative that companies look to reduce storage and handling costs to a minimum without having to invest in expensive, new warehousing facilities, simply by using Aisle-Master articulated forklifts.


The versatile Aisle-Master make's the most of existing storage space by working in very narrow aisles as well as outside in the yard unloading of vehicles. They therefore replace a combination of reach and counterbalance trucks. Whilst increasing existing warehouse capacity by up to 50%.


An added service offered by Ability Handling Ltd and Aisle-Master personnel is an on-site survey followed by the provision of a free warehouse layout drawn up by Aisle Master design engineers. This illustrates the ideal configuration of racking and forklifts – helping you to drive down the cost of handling and storage. A before and after example of this is shown on the Ability Handling Ltd website http://­www.­ability­han­dlingltd.­co.­uk/­products/­aisle-master/­site-surveys-and-layout-proposals-products.­html


If you would like to take advantage of this  service, or get to know more about Ability Handling Ltd and Aisle-Master the website is a valuable source of quick and clear information – www.­ability­han­dlingltd.­co.­uk   You can contact us from the site, or call Lee Brown, Sales Manager 07778 776 096, or Lee Whittaker Area Sales Executive on 07814 218 656  


The new AC Aisle-Master was successfully launched at the recent CeMat show in Germany. With a 20KW drive motor, this is the most powerful electric articulated truck on the market in terms of speed and gradeability, for greatly improved productivity. Aisle-Master will be at a number of other exhibitions this year 2009.